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HeliosMouse version 1.1
OK, here's a little program called HeliosMouse, which is my addition to the
SunMouse-type utilities. HeliosMouse installs an input handler that activates
windows whenever the mouse is moved over inactive ones (i.e., when you move
the mouse accross window boundries).
To install the handler, just type:
1> HeliosMouse
It should tell you that it has installed the handler. You don't have to
RUN HeliosMouse, because it sets up the handler and then exits, leaving only
the input handler in memory. The handler itself only takes up about 600 bytes
when it is installed, so you shouldn't have to worry about using lots of memory.
Once HeliosMouse is installed and you move the mouse over an inactive window,
that window will be activated automatically. Note, however, that if you open
a new, active window (with the NewCLI command, for instance) the window under
the mouse will not be activated until you move the mouse or press a key. (You
can change this by having HeliosMouse check the active window every
Note, however, that timer events are posted approximately 10 times per second,
so this could degrade system performance).
If you are holding down either of the mouse buttons when you move the
pointer over a new window, it will NOT become activated. This is so
that you can still drag icons from one window to another, and so that
you can pull down menus without changing the active window. Be sure
to press the menu button while it is still within the window whose menu
you want to us! Pop-up menus are better suited to a HeliosMouse-type
interface than pull-down menus, but these are not available in Intuition.
To remove the input handler, simply call HeliosMouse a second time.
HeliosMouse creates a public, named message-port that it uses to hold the
information it needs in order to remove the handler that it installed. See
the code for details of how this works.
To install HeliosMouse, simply unshar and uudecode the executables. Put
HeliosMouse in the C: directory and put Helios-Handler in the L: directory
(or the current directory).
To compile and link HeliosMouse, type:
1> LC -v HeliosMouse Helios-Handler
1> ASM HandlerStub
1> BLINK WITH HeliosMouse.lnk
1> BLINK WITH Helios-Handler.lnk
If you compile Helios-Handler with -dKEY_ONLY, then the windows will be
activated only when a key is pressed (not when the mouse moves). This will
act much like SunMouse, except that no fake input events are sent, so gadgets
won't be pressed when you don't expect them to.
You can use the -b and -r options with HeliosMouse, but don't use them for
Hope you enjoy this little program!
Davide P. Cervone
University of Rochester Computing Center dpvc@tut.cc.rochester.EDU
Taylor Hall dpvc@ur-tut.UUCP
Rochester, New York 14627 DPVC@UORDBV.BITNET
(716) 275-2811